Clear Writing


Clear writing is about the way you communicate in writing.  It’s about the language you use, the format of your document and the design of your document.  It helps you say what you mean, simply and clearly.  The purpose of Clear Writing is to speak to your audience.  It does not “dumb-down” your document.  It considers the people who will be reading your document.  Clear Writing helps us get the information across quickly and efficiently.

Our Clear Writing Services include

  • Organizational Audits
    • analysing several documents of an organization
    • presenting findings and recommendations to the organization


  • Document Consultation
    • reviewing documentsrevising documents
    • consulting on documents at various stages (e.g. prior to development, mid-way or upon draft completion)


  • Workshop Facilitation
    • presenting workshops to staff on Clear Writing in your workplace
    • preparing your workshops for specific audiences

For more information or to book a Clear Writing Service, please call Ashley Hoath at 905.401.0878.


Current Price List

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