Literacy Service Plan meeting
For LBS program managers and organizational leaders – August 29, 9-10:30am

Common Frontline Community of Practice meeting
For LBS instructors, support staff and client-facing staff of Employment & Social Assistance services–  August 29, 12:30-2:30pm

Please contact for more information.

Pop-up PD for Literacy & Basic Skills Educators 

Recordings of past webinars and slide decks are available at:

  • “CaMS Report 61: How to Understand and Use Your Data”
  • Milestones & Culminating Tasks
  • Integrating LBS Learners to Other Systems
  • Transitioning ESL Learners to LBS
  • Dealing with Change

Wraparound Facilitator Training

Customized for LBS instructors, support staff and client-facing staff of employment, social assistance & life stablization services.

Option 1: October 3 (intro to Wraparound)
Option 2: October 3, 4, 7, 8 (Facilitator certification)

Please contact for more information and visit our Current Projects page to learn more about Wraparound & our Circles of Support initiative.